
  • 作者:由 匿名使用者 發表于 農業
  • 2021-09-27


朋友關係的存續是以相互尊重為前提的, 容不得半點強求、干涉和控制。朋友之間, 情趣相投、脾氣對味則合、則交; 反之, 則離、則絕。朋友之間再熟悉, 再親密, 也不能隨便過頭,不恭不敬。不然,默契和平衡將被打破, 友好關係將不復存在。每個人都希望擁有自己的私密空間,朋友之間過於隨便,就容易侵入這片禁區,從而引起衝突,造成隔閡。待友不敬,或許只是一件小事,卻可能已埋下了破壞性的種子。維持朋友親密關係的最好辦法是往來有節,互不干涉。

I thought that it was a Sunday morning in May; that it was Easter Sunday, and as yet very early in the morning。 I was standing at the door of my own cottage。 Right before me lay the very scene which could really be commanded from that situation, but exalted, as was usual, and solemnized by the power of dreams。 There were the same mountains, and the same lovely valley at their feet; but the mountains were raised to more than Alpine height, and there was interspace far larger between them of meadows and forest lawns; the hedges were rich with white roses;
