. As an excellent shooter, Peter practiced aiming at both _____ targets and moving targets.

  • 作者:由 匿名使用者 發表于 動漫
  • 2022-04-15

. As an excellent shooter, Peter practiced aiming at both _____ targets and moving targets.半部春秋1級2017-01-14 回答

As an excellent shooter, Peter practiced aiming at both fixed_ targets and moving targets。

. As an excellent shooter, Peter practiced aiming at both _____ targets and moving targets.飄飄的雲1級2017-01-13 回答

standing = permanent 顯然不對

stable = steady 如你所知是穩定的,一般形容局面,情況

still 其實也可以的,這個題出的並不好





/ ˈsteɪʃənrɪ; US -nerɪ; ˋsteʃənˏɛrɪ/ adj

(a) not moving 靜止的: remain

stationary 停著不動 * collide with a stationary

van 撞上一輛停著的客貨車。 (b) that cannot be moved or is not intended to

be moved 固定的; 不可移動的: a stationary crane 固定式起重機。

Cf 參看 mobile 1。

not changing in condition or quantity 恆定的; 不變的;




/ ˈstændɪŋ; ˋstændɪŋ/ n


(esp social) position or reputation; status; rank

(尤指社會上的)地位, 名聲, 身分, 等級: a woman of some standing in the

community 在那個群體中頗有地位的女子 * a scientist of

good/high standing, ie respected, eminent 有名望的科學家。

length of time that sth has existed; duration 持續時間: a debt, dispute, friendship of long standing 多時的欠債﹑ 糾紛﹑


> standing adj [attrib 作定語]

1 (a) remaining in force or use; permanent and established

常備的; 永久的; 確立的: a standing army 常備軍 * a standing committee, ie a permanent one that meets

regularly 常務委員會。 (b) continuing to be effective or valid 長期有效的: We have a standing invitation to visit them when we‘re in the area。

他們邀請我們將來到那裡時去他們家做客。 * a standing joke,

ie sth that regularly causes amusement 永不乏味的笑料。

2 (esp sport 尤用於體育) performed without a run; done from a

standing position 沒有助跑的; 站著進行的: a standing

start/jump 立定起跑[起跳]。

3 upright 直立的; 豎直的: standing corn, ie not yet cut 地裡長著的穀物。

# ,standing

`order (a) (also ,banker’s `order) customer‘s instruction to a

bank to pay a certain amount at regular intervals (eg rent, mortgage repayments)

(客戶委託銀行定期付款的)長期委託(如交租金﹑ 抵押物分期付款)。 (b) regular order that remains valid

and does not have to be repeated 長期有效的訂單: a standing order

for milk, newspapers, etc 牛奶﹑ 報紙等的長期訂單。

,standing o`vation

enthusiastic expression of approval by people standing up from their seats

to clap 起立鼓掌: The singer got a ten-minute standing ovation。


`standing-room n

[U] space for people to stand in, esp in a theatre, sports ground,

etc 站立的位置(尤指劇場﹑ 運動場等中的): There was standing-room only left

in the concert hall。 音樂廳內只剩下站位了。


stable1/ ˈsteɪbl; ˋstebl/ adj

(a) firmly established or fixed; not likely to move or change

穩定的; 穩固的; 牢固的; 安定的: a stable relationship, job, government

穩定的關係﹑ 工作﹑ 政府 * a house built on stable

foundations 建在牢固基礎上的房子 * The patient’s condition

is stable。 病人情況穩定。 (b) (of a person or his character) not

easily upset or disturbed; well-balanced; reliable (指人或性格)沉穩的, 持重的, 可靠的:

Mentally she‘s very stable。 她情緒十分穩定。 * He’s about the most stable person I know。 我認識的人當中, 數他最穩重。

(c) (of a substance) tending to stay in the same chemical or atomic

state; not breaking down easily or naturally (指物質)穩定的(保持化學或原子狀態的), 不易變化的:

an element forming stable compounds


> stability / stəˈbɪlətɪ; stəˋbɪlətɪ/ n

[U] quality or state of being stable 穩定性; 穩定狀態;


stabilize, -ise / ˈsteɪbəlaɪz; ˋsteblˏaɪz/ v [I, Tn] (cause sth/sb to) become stable (使某事物)穩定;

(使某人)變得沉穩: His condition has now stabilized。

他的情況穩定下來了。 * government measures to stabilize

prices 政府採取的穩定物價的措施。 stabilization, -isation / ˏsteɪbəlaɪˈzeɪʃn; US -lɪˈz-;

ˏstebləˋzeʃən/ n [U]。

stabilizer, -iser/

ˈsteɪbəlaɪzə(r); ˋstebəˏlaɪzɚ/ n

substance or device that stabilizes, esp a device that prevents an

aircraft or ship from rolling, or one that helps to keep a child‘s bicycle

upright 穩定裝置; 穩定器; 平衡器; (飛行器的)安定面: He can now ride his bike

without stabilizers。 他現在騎腳踏車不需要平衡器了。

stably / ˈsteɪblɪ; ˋsteblɪ/

adv: in a stable manner 穩定地;


stable2/ ˈsteɪbl; ˋstebl/ n

building in which a horse or horses are kept and fed 馬廄:

[attrib 作定語] a stable door 馬廄的門。

(often pl with sing meaning and sometimes sing v

常作複數, 但詞義為單數, 有時動詞亦用單數) establishment that specializes in keeping

horses for a particular purpose; the horses kept in this 專用馬房; 專用馬房中的馬: Is there a riding stables near here?附近有專供騎用馬的馬房嗎? *

He owns a racing stable(s),ie a group of

racehorses and the buildings they are kept in。 他是馬房主。

(fig 比喻) place such as an

athletics club, a school, a theatre, etc where a number of people have been

trained in the same way 訓練基地; 培訓處; 學校: actors from the same

stable 在同一處受訓的演員。

(idm 習語) lock, etc the stable door after the horse has

bolted try to prevent or avoid loss, damage, etc when it is already too late

亡馬鎖廄, 為時已晚; 賊去關門。

> stable v [Tn]

put or keep (a horse) in a stable 將(馬)置於廄中: Where do you

stable your pony? 你那匹矮種馬養在哪兒?

. As an excellent shooter, Peter practiced aiming at both _____ targets and moving targets.匿名使用者1級2017-01-13 回答

