
  • 作者:由 匿名使用者 發表于 動漫
  • 2022-10-17

win7這個啥子意思?Mr.Giraffe 撿肥皂2011.09.01 回答


win7這個啥子意思?匿名使用者2011.09.01 回答



v。 贏得,勝利,成功 詞形變化: 動詞過去式:won 過去分詞:won 現在分詞:winning 第三人稱單數:wins

例句與用法: Her performance won her much critical acclaim。 她的表演大獲評論界讚頌。 He soon won a reputation for himself。 他很快就成名了。 英英解釋: 名詞 win: a victory (as in a race or other competition)

something won (especially money)

同義詞:winnings, profits 動詞 win: be the winner in a contest or competition; be victorious

win something through one‘s efforts

同義詞:acquire, gain obtain advantages, such as points, etc。

同義詞:gain, advance, pull ahead, make headway, get ahead, gain ground attain success or reach a desired goal

同義詞:succeed, come through, bring home the bacon, deliver the goods
