做為一個團隊遊戲,廠長和他的隊友配合默契,全力以赴 用英語怎麼說

  • 作者:由 匿名使用者 發表于 動漫
  • 2022-11-23

做為一個團隊遊戲,廠長和他的隊友配合默契,全力以赴 用英語怎麼說woshibear5326 2017-09-21


1。 廠長和他的隊友為了做一個團隊遊戲,配合默契,全力以赴;

In order to make a team game, the factory manager and his teammates have good teamwork and do their best。

2。 作為一個團隊,廠長和他的隊友配合默契,全力以赴玩遊戲。

As a team, the factory manager and his teammates have good teamwork and go all out for the game。
