
  • 作者:由 匿名使用者 發表于 文化
  • 2022-06-12

西安是舉世聞名的世界四大文明古都之一,居中國古都之首。英語翻譯HUNTER冥王星 2010-06-18

Xi‘an is one of the world’s four famous ancient capitals of civilization。She ranks first in the ancient capital of China and she is the cradle of the Chinese nation。 There are many monuments of civilization in Xi‘an, such as the Terra Cotta Warriors, Big Wild Goose Pagoda。


西安是舉世聞名的世界四大文明古都之一,居中國古都之首。英語翻譯騎士ZD 2010-06-18


Xi’an is a world famous one of the world‘s four ancient capitals of civilization, ranking China first in the ancient capital

西安是舉世聞名的世界四大文明古都之一,居中國古都之首 是中華民族的搖籃 。有許多的文明古蹟 諸如兵馬俑 大雁塔

Xi’an is a world famous one of the world‘s four ancient capitals of civilization, ranking first in the ancient capital of China is the cradle of the Chinese nation。 There are many monuments such as the Terra Cotta Warriors Wild Goose Pagoda civilization

西安是舉世聞名的世界四大文明古都之一,居中國古都之首。英語翻譯似靖靈3y 2010-06-18

ranking first in the ancient capital of China ,Xi’an is one of the four famous ancient capitals of civilization, and is the cradle of the Chinese nation。 There are many monuments such as the Terra Cotta Warriors Wild Goose Pagoda civilization
