I have no words to say .和I have no word to say .哪個對

  • 作者:由 匿名使用者 發表于 文化
  • 2022-09-14

I have no words to say .和I have no word to say .哪個對Perseverance2016.11.05 回答

要靠事實說話,學英語不能憑感覺。外國人都說“I have no wards to say”,我們模仿就是了

I have no words to say .和I have no word to say .哪個對匿名使用者2008.05.06 回答

I have no words to say

因為 word 是指詞


I have no words to say .和I have no word to say .哪個對匿名使用者2008.04.07 回答

I have no words to say 。是對的,應該用複數的形式

I have no words to say .和I have no word to say .哪個對2008.02.07 回答

恨必愛更加頑固。如果我曾經因為某句話而傷到誰,無論我說了什麼好聽的,(你的句子不完整) 謝謝採納

I have no words to say .和I have no word to say .哪個對匿名使用者2008.02.07 回答

I have no words to say
