the town __we visited last month was the one __the famous painter was born 選擇where .which two which

  • 作者:由 ※浮煙不滅� 發表于 舞蹈
  • 2022-10-14

the town __we visited last month was the one __the famous painter was born 選擇where .which two which\/2010.10.28 回答

第一個空是which,因為定語從句缺的是賓語, 第2個空是where, 因為定語從句缺的是地點狀語

the town __we visited last month was the one __the famous painter was born 選擇where .which two which古劍魂2010.10.28 回答

which, where,第一空visit為及物動詞,直接接賓語,故不用to。第二空不缺成分,只需where引導一個地點狀語從句即可、、、、

the town __we visited last month was the one __the famous painter was born 選擇where .which two which蝸牛在家喊加油◇◇2010.10.28 回答

which   where

前邊指某個小鎮  後邊是地點 值這個畫家在哪裡出生

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the town __we visited last month was the one __the famous painter was born 選擇where .which two which妖孽君2010.10.28 回答

the town


we visited last month was the one


the famous painter was born

the town __we visited last month was the one __the famous painter was born 選擇where .which two which妙蓮華2010.10.28 回答

which, where

第一個空先行詞the town 做賓語,可用which,that,或不填。

第二空the one是地點狀語所以用where。
