
  • 作者:由 ⒉/3 發表于 娛樂
  • 2022-08-05

誰能幫我找到[千里之外]的英語版歌詞SOSO使用者2008.05.04 回答

Thousands of miles apart

屋簷如懸崖 風鈴如滄海 我等燕歸來

時間被安排 演一場意外 你悄然走開

故事在城外 濃霧散不開 看不清對白

你聽不出來 風聲不存在 是我在感慨

夢醒來 是誰在窗臺 把結局開啟

那薄如蟬翼的未來 經不起誰來拆

Eaves erecting high against the world outside, Windmill echoing like the sound of an ebbing tide,

I await you through all days and nights。

Without a word of good-bye, you pass me by and everything fades into black。

Our story started in the wilderness far and wide; with dim air choking all words and passion in our eyes。

Then I uttered a sigh, and you have always taken that as a wind that just brushed by。

Our destiny was unveiled after my roaming dreams took their flight, leaving me with infinite fear for the pale future without you holding me tight。

我送你離開 千里之外 你無聲黑白

沉默年代 或許不該 太遙遠的相愛

我送你離開 天涯之外 你是否還在

琴聲何來 生死難猜 用一生 去等待

Farewell, my girl, but you say not good-bye。

Our heightened distance drives eternity out of sight。

Farewell, my girl, will you forever abide?

Melody coming from afar bidding lifelong departure doomed for you and I。

一身琉璃白 透明著塵埃 你無瑕的愛

你從雨中來 詩化了悲哀 我淋溼現在

芙蓉水面採 船行影猶在 你卻不回來

被歲月覆蓋 你說的花開 過去成空白

夢醒來 是誰在窗臺 把結局開啟

那薄如蟬翼的未來 經不起誰來拆

Dressed in gown of pure bright, you gave me faith that your love will never lie。

Raindrops were falling when you came along and sadness was born whereupon, leaving me countless teardrops to ease my fright

How I mourn the days when you picked the lotus in the twilight。 And with that lonesome boat, you never came back。

Time carries away every petal and tide, the past is nothing but void and heartfelt cries。

Our destiny was unveiled after my roaming dreams took their flight, leaving me with infinite fear for the pale future without you holding me tight。

我送你離開 千里之外 你無聲黑白

沉默年代 或許不該 太遙遠的相愛

我送你離開 天涯之外 你是否還在

琴聲何來 生死難猜 用一生 去等待

Farewell, my girl, but you say not good-bye。

Our heightened distance drives eternity out of sight。

Farewell, my girl, will you forever abide?

Melody coming from afar bidding lifelong departure doomed for you and I。
