翻譯 :終於,我們登上了山頂。向四周看,那一座座山峰都在我的腳下。真是“會當凌絕頂,一覽眾山小。”

  • 作者:由 匿名使用者 發表于 繪畫
  • 2021-10-12

翻譯 :終於,我們登上了山頂。向四周看,那一座座山峰都在我的腳下。真是“會當凌絕頂,一覽眾山小。” 匿名使用者 1級 2011-04-12 回答

Finally, we climbed to the top of the mountain。 Looking around, all mountains are under our feet。 This reminds us of the famous poem: I must go on to the top of Mount Tai, to feel how small the other mountains are。

翻譯 :終於,我們登上了山頂。向四周看,那一座座山峰都在我的腳下。真是“會當凌絕頂,一覽眾山小。” 匿名使用者 1級 2011-04-12 回答

Finally, we reached the top of the mountain looked around, the stone mountain are under my feet was perceived, see the mountains bullying extremely small

翻譯 :終於,我們登上了山頂。向四周看,那一座座山峰都在我的腳下。真是“會當凌絕頂,一覽眾山小。” 大臉妹 1級 2011-04-12 回答

when shall i reach the top and hold

all mountains in a single glance?



