希望以後家鄉的環境要變得更完美,只要把生活做的最好,環境就會變的更好 的英語翻譯

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  • 2022-04-03

希望以後家鄉的環境要變得更完美,只要把生活做的最好,環境就會變的更好 的英語翻譯劉志偉1級2019-03-03 回答

I do hope that the environment of our homtown will be more perfect。 As long as we take the best attitude to our own lives, the better environment around us will come very naturally。

說實話原句漢語就不太通順,因為漢語中基本不講“把生活做的最好” 。。因此我這句的意思是:我真心希望我們家鄉的環境能更加美好。只要我們過好自己的生活,更好的環境自然而然就有了。

希望以後家鄉的環境要變得更完美,只要把生活做的最好,環境就會變的更好 的英語翻譯殤離別1級2015-06-22 回答

the home environment with 200 words in english chinese translation。 on the other hand, i will ask my friends to go out for fun or i just stay at my bedroom to play computer games。 i am so satisfied with myself, because i study hard and play hard。 as a student, i need to study, at the same time, i also need to enjoy my childhood。
