贈人玫瑰 手留餘香幫忙翻譯這段文字啊。。急!!...

  • 作者:由 匿名使用者 發表于 詩詞
  • 2022-03-26




贈人玫瑰 手留餘香幫忙翻譯這段文字啊。。急!!...tianxu1900 2008-06-19

People will not think of a lifetime, help others in their own when, in fact, is tantamount to help themselves。 They will ask: “obviously I went to help them, and they benefit from, how it is to help their« I get the benefit in what is «” In fact, a person is to help others, the investment has been invisible in the feelings of others For your assistance will always keep in mind, as long as there is an opportunity, they will repay the initiative。

Will be happy to share with others, you can get the most pleasure; failure to pass the buck to others, you will not succeed。

Any of the sincere love and breadth of the city, in reality due returns。 “The people rose, hands stay Yuxiang ”—— treat others, that is, treat their own。
