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  • 2022-03-25

就是在山洞裡的臺詞 英文的 請不要給網址 直接寫上來


去尋找亡靈的路上(Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli ride on the road to the Dimholt。 Sharp grey rocks surround them on a narrow path。)

Gimli: What kind of an army would linger in such a place?

Legolas: One that is cursed。 Long ago, the Men of the Mountain swore an oath to the last King of Gondor, to come to his aid, to fight。 But when the time came, when Gondor‘s need was dire, they fled, vanishing into the darkness of the mountain。 And so Isildur cursed them, never to rest until they had fulfilled their pledge。 Who shall call them from the great twilight? The forgotten people。 The heir of him to whom the oath they swore。 From the north shall he come。 Need shall drive him。 He shall pass the door to the Paths of the Dead。

路的盡頭 即將進入山洞了

(At the end of the path, a small opening is crafted into a rock。 Primitive paintings are above it。)

Gimli: The very warmth of my blood seems stolen away。

Legolas: The way is shut。 It was made by those who are dead。 And the Dead keep it。 The way is shut。

(They dismount, still holding the horses by the reins。 Aragorn has Andúril in his hand。 The sheath is attached to Brego’s saddle。 The horses are nervous。 They slowly approach the opening。 The horses go crazy as a blast of air comes out of the tunnel。 Aragorn and Legolas lose hold of the reins, and the horses gallop off。)

Aragorn: Brego!

(Aragorn turns and looks back at the tunnel into the mountain。)

Aragorn: I do not fear death!

(He walks quickly and firmly into the darkness behind the opening。 Legolas hesitates another second, then follows him determinedly。)

Gimli: Well, this is a thing unheard-of。 An Elf will go underground where a Dwarf dare not! Oh! Oh, I‘d never hear the end of it!

(He stamps his feet a few times, finally finds his courage and follows his companions。 The scene shifts back to the Rohirrim。 Haste in the Dunharrow camp。 Fires are put out quickly, Men jump on horses。 Théoden leaves his tent with Éomer。)

一下是到了 逝者大廳與逝者之王的對話

(In Gondor, the Orc troops are rapidly approaching the city of Minas Tirith, with siege towers in tow。 Elsewhere, Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli rush through the mountain。 Aragorn has a metal torch。)

Gimli: What is it? What do you see?

Legolas: I see shapes of men。 And of horses。

Gimli: Where?

Legolas; Pale banners like shreds of cloud。 Spears rise like winter-thickets through a shroud of mist。 The Dead are following。 They have been summoned。

Gimli: The Dead? Summoned? I knew that。 Very good。 Very good! Legolas! (runs towards a path where he thinks Legolas when。)

(Mists surround them as they walk。 Gimli tries to blow away the mists。)

Aragorn: Do not look down。

(They hear cracks and Gimli looks down, seeing the skulls of the Dead。 They walk into a giant hall and see a green figure appear。)

King of the Dead: (v。o。)Who enters my domain?

Aragorn: One who will have your allegiance。

King of the Dead: The Dead do not suffer the living to pass。

Aragorn: You will suffer me。

(The King of the Dead laughs。 The Dead appear and surround Legolas, Aragorn, and Gimli。)

King of the Dead: The way is shut。 It was made by those who are dead。 And the Dead keep it。 The way is shut。 Now you must die。

(Legolas releases an arrow。 It goes through the one aimed at as if through thin air。)

Aragorn: I summon you to fulfill your oath。

King of the Dead: None but the King of Gondor may command me。

(Aragorn lifts Andúril。 The King of the Dead attacks him with a sword。 Aragorn parries and then grabs the King by his throat。)

King of the Dead: That line was broken。

Aragorn: It has been remade。 (He releases the King, and addresses The Dead surrounding him。) Fight for us, and regain your honor。 (He walks through the crowd of ghosts。) What say you?

(The Dead shuffle about and look uncertain。)

Aragorn: What say you?

Gimli: You waste your time, Aragorn! They had no honor in life, they have none now in death。

Aragorn: I am Isildur’s heir。 Fight for me, and I will hold your oaths fulfilled!

(The Dead watch Aragorn, unable to decide。)

Aragorn: (commanding) What say you?! You have my word! Fight, and I will release you from this living death! (the Dead begin to disappear) What say you?!

Gimli: Stand, you traitors!

(The mists begin to blow away and the ground begins to shake。 The whole place begins to burst out with skulls everywhere。)

Aragorn: Out!

(The try to get out as fast as they can but the skulls fall on them unmercifully。)

Aragorn: Legolas! Run!

(They finally get out when they run out of a small opening in the cave。 Aragorn’s face begins to sadden as he sees the black ships of the Corsairs on the river。 He falls to his knees。 Legolas puts his arm around him。 A noise comes from the cave and Aragorn turns around to see the King of the Dead。)

King of the Dead: We fight。
