情趣的英語翻譯 情趣用英語怎麼說

  • 作者:由 匿名使用者 發表于 動漫
  • 2021-07-22

情趣的英語翻譯 情趣用英語怎麼說 匿名使用者 1級 2017-11-16 回答



taste 英[teɪst] 美[test]

n。 滋味; 味覺; 體驗; 風味;

vt。 嘗,品嚐;

vt。 吃; 喝; 淺嘗;

[例句]I like the taste of wine and enjoy trying different kinds


情趣的英語翻譯 情趣用英語怎麼說 ༺倩倩༻ 1級 2017-11-16 回答

老師,問下,情趣用英語怎麼說,品茶的情趣之意?翻譯一下,謝謝老師! (1) temperament and interest 。the temperament and interest of tasting tea (2) emotion and interest , the emotion and interest to sip /taste tea姬搐灌誹弒賭鬼澀邯績 (3) sentiments and attractions, the sentiments and attractions to sip / taste/ appreciate tea (4) tastes , the tastes to appreciate the tea (5) affections and desire appeal , the affections and desire appeal to make appreciation of tea
