fresh off the turnip truck是什麼意思

  • 作者:由 匿名使用者 發表于 文化
  • 2022-03-24

fresh off the turnip truck是什麼意思 匿名使用者 9級 2008-04-20 回答

“Fresh off the turnip truck” probably is derived from the more popular phrase “fall off the turnip truck”。

“Fall off the turnip truck” means extremely naive, uninformed, and gullible。 (Often used in the negative)

形容人過份天真無知。 有負面含義。

“Fresh off the turnip truck” probably has same kind of meaning。 It could mean you start up a new business and lack experience。

形容人剛剛開始新的事務。 譬如開一家商店,因為毫無經驗,所以有些冒險。

fall off the turnip truck 與 fresh off the turnip truck 都是俚語。

fall off the turnip truck 較長用。

fresh off the turnip truck 較不長用。


Hope this helps。

