
  • 作者:由 匿名使用者 發表于 歷史
  • 2021-11-19

晉中位於山西省中部,東依太行,西臨汾河,北與省會太原市毗鄰。晉中乃是一座歷史文化底蘊非常深厚、文化氣質十分獨特鮮明,發展潛力巨大無限的,古老而現代化的地區。其本身作為中華。。。 晉中位於山西省中部,東依太行,西臨汾河,北與省會太原市毗鄰。晉中乃是一座歷史文化底蘊非常深厚、文化氣質十分獨特鮮明,發展潛力巨大無限的,古老而現代化的地區。

其本身作為中華文明的發祥地之一,商代後期境內就有大小城邑出現,更在春秋時期開始設立縣一級行政建制,境內文化薰陶及景觀旅遊資源異常活躍,世界文化遺產——平遙古城就在晉中地區。求高手翻譯此段,要原創,謝謝! 展開


Jinzhong is located in central Shanxi Province, east of Taihang Mountains, West Fenhe River, adjacent to the north with the provincial capital of Taiyuan city。 Jinzhong but a history is of profound cultural heritage, culture temperament is very distinctive, huge development potential infinite, ancient and modern area。 Itself as one of the birthplace of Chinese civilization, the late Shang Dynasty territory is the size of the cities, in the spring and Autumn period began to set up the county level administrative system, very active within the cultural edification and landscape tourism resources, world cultural heritage —— the ancient city of Pingyao in Jinzhong Area。
