惡靈古堡 英語簡介

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惡靈古堡 英語簡介 毛線球 1級 2018-12-03 回答

Resident Evil

Resident Evil, known as Biohazard​ in Japan, is a video game series and media franchise consisting of comic books, novelizations, films, and a variety of collectibles, including action figures, strategy guides and publications。 Developed by Capcom and created by Shinji Mikami, the series has sold almost 40 million games as of May 2009。

Five Resident Evil films have been released and one is scheduled to be released September 10, 2010。

Resident Evil: Degeneration (2008) Plot

The movie takes place in the year 2005, a year after the events in Resident Evil 4, and 7 years after the events of the Raccoon City incidents。 Claire Redfield is now a member of TerraSave, an organization which handles search and rescue at chemical and biological attacks。 Claire arrives at Harvardville Airport to meet a family she is aiding。 A passenger aircraft is approaching the airport to land。 As one of the attendants checks the passengers, she notices one man looking unwell。 The man in question is clearly in the final stages of T-virus infection, and warns the attendant。 Shortly after, the transformation is complete。

Claire is looking after her friend‘s niece, Rani Chawla, when they see Senator Ron Davis walk by。 A zombie-masked protester walks up to him, imitating one of the infected。 While arresting the protester, a police officer noticies another man, who believes it is another protester in a zombie-mask。 But when the officer arrests him he is attacked by an infected zombie。 One of Davis’ bodyguards shoots the zombie, only to be bitten by the infected police officer, who was presumed dead。 The second guard attempts to run but is also devoured。 The scene causes panic and people in the vicinity flee, some being attacked by the infected。 Then the plane shown previously crashes into the building, destroying a section of the airport as everyone flees for cover。 Out of the airplane come its occupants, all infected。 Unable to escape from the airport terminal, Claire, Davis and Rani shut themselves in the VIP lounge and call for help。

By nightfall, the airport has been locked down by the United States Marine Corps and local law enforcement。 Survivors are evacuated for treatment, many still locked inside the airport。 Two Special Response Team (SRT) officers, Angela Miller and Greg Glenn, are joined by a government agent with experience of such incidents, Leon S。 Kennedy。 The group enter the building where the VIP lounge is located through the roof and begin their search。 They manage to find Claire and the survivors。 Traveling back to the main terminal, Glenn is bitten by a zombie and stays behind, determined to save the rest by killing the creatures nearby。 The survivors shoot their way out, with the marines (who had been vaccinated prior to the lockdown) clearing out the terminal。

Claire sees a convoy of trucks from the WilPharma Corporation, who she was campaigning against。 Upon being told that WilPharma had created a T-virus vaccine, Claire realizes that the vaccine could have saved those who died。 Suddenly, the WilPharma trucks containing the vaccine are destroyed。 Claire goes with WilPharma chief researcher Frederic Downing to the WilPharma research facility for more vaccines。 After a tour of the facility, Claire is shown a molecular-scale image of the G-virus。 Downing, surprised by her anger, excuses himself and she is left alone in his office。

Claire calls Leon to inform him about WilPharma‘s possession of the G-virus, and learns that he and Angela Miller have found the house of Curtis Miller, Angela’s brother, destroyed by fire。 Downing phones Claire to warn her that a man has just left the facility and that a time bomb has been activated。 Claire looks out of a window and sees Curtis Miller running through the central gardens with a briefcase。 The bomb goes off。

Leon and Angela arrive at WilPharma and Leon goes upstairs to Claire while Angela, monitoring the ground level, encounters Curtis。 Curtis tells Angela that the government covered up some of the events in Raccoon City which kept his family from being saved。 A squad of U。S。 Marines storm the room。 Curtis, having injected the G-virus, mutates。 The soldiers open fire on him, and Curtis goes on a rampage killing everyone in his vicinity。 Leon saves Angela from the massacre as the atrium garden begins to fall apart, with the wreckage crushing Curtis。 Believing him to be dead, the surviving soldiers head up the elevator to safety, Leon and Angela choosing to stay downstairs and wait for the elevator to come back down。 Curtis gets out of the wreckage and mutates further, climbing up the building and by destroying the elevator, killing the soldiers inside。

The WilPharma computer system then sets the building on fire in an attempt to avoid the T- and G-Virus‘ spreading。 Angela and Leon jump into a pool of water to avoid burning wreckage。 After having shot a glass partition to avoid drowning, the two find themselves in an underground area。 Meanwhile, Claire makes it to the command center on the upmost floor, doing whatever she can to halt a biohazard alarm and open the building。 She fails and the detection of Curtis in the underground center causes another alarm, in which sections of the building are ejected to fall deep underground。

As Leon and Angela search for an escape route, Curtis attacks them, seeing Leon as a threat and Angela as a mate。 Eventually, Curtis manages to regain control, telling Angela to run。 As the sections are being ejected, Leon and Angela climb up wreckage, only to hang from a broken catwalk。 About to fall, Curtis grabs hold of Angela’s leg。 Leon is forced to shoot Curtis in the head, causing him to fall to his death。 The impact of Curtis with the bottom of the pit causes an eruption of fire, from which Leon and Angela are saved when a bulkhead closes just below them。

Leon, Angela and Claire exit the building。 There Claire accuses Senator Davis of the cover up and the Harvardville Airport incident。 Leon reveals that Davis did not know anything, and Claire realizes that the real villain was actually Downing, who caused the outbreak in the airport, the disaster on the plane, the destruction of the vaccine, the detonation of the bomb at the research building and the bio-terrorism incidents by selling T-virus samples。 Meanwhile, Downing talks to General Grandé, a client eager to buy the t-virus, now that news reports have revealed its potential。 Waiting for a contact to sell WilPharma information to, Downing mistakes a car containing Leon and Claire for his contact。 He is arrested by Angela。

The next day Leon and Claire meet with a despondent Angela。 Leon reveals that Downing confessed to everything, which was designed as a sales pitch for the virus to General Grandé。 He reveals that he was an Umbrella researcher and stole samples of both viruses and escaped immediately prior to the Raccoon City incident before erasing his history and creating a new identity with which to apply to WilPharma。 Once there, he was able to sell the virus to a list of potential customers while researching the vaccine。

Leon and Claire then walk away from Angela and Leon offers Claire a ride in his helicopter, which she declines by saying she already has a ride。 Leon then tells her that he hopes that next time they see each other, it will be under more normal circumstances, to which she agrees; and as Leon boards his helicopter towards his next mission, Claire watches him before turning around, heading towards Rani and her aunt。 Meanwhile, news gets out that Davis has resigned from office over allegations of insider stock trading with WilPharma stocks。 A newspaper draped over Davis‘ face reads “Tricell Offers to Purchase WilPharma”。 Davis’ hand falls from the desk revealing him to be dead, and on his computer WilPharma files are being deleted, which when completed reveal a Tricell insignia on his screen。 The film ends with Tricell employees in hazmat suits searching the underground ruins of the WilPharma research building, where they discover a fragment of Curtis‘s body infected with the G-virus, which they seal in a bio-hazard container。

惡靈古堡 英語簡介 午後づ紅茶 1級 2010-08-05 回答

中文名:《生化危機》 臺譯名:《惡靈古堡》 日文名:《バイオハザード》 英文名:《biohazard》(亞洲地區);《resident evil》(歐美地區) 生化危機是capcom於1996年3月22日在日本發售的ps用遊戲,是《生化危機系列》的第一款作品。遊戲分類為恐怖生存冒險遊戲(survival horror genre),遊戲的畫面是以cg背景、第三人稱表現,遊戲監督為三上真司。 《生化危機》自從1996年3月22日登陸ps平臺以來,開創了生存恐怖遊戲的新紀元。capcom最初為該作定下的銷量目標是15萬,遊戲發售時也並沒有什麼火爆的場面,但是遊戲眾多新的理念、優秀的畫面、緊張的氣氛和曲折的故事情節贏得了廣大玩家的愛戴,從而形成了長期熱賣的局面,不久銷量便突破100萬。《生化危機》的主要負責人,被譽為“生化之父”的製作人三上真司則一跑走紅,成為業界的明星。 之後,capcom為鞏固《生化危機》的地位,不惜重金投入大量的人力和物力,為了使遊戲更加的出色,曾經把已經開發了70%的作品全盤否定,重新制作,這部被否定的作品就是後來被人們稱之為《生化危機 1。5》的神秘作品。經過製作人們的長期努力,《生化危機 2》於1998年1月28日在美日兩地同時發售。而在日本的秋葉原街頭,廣大玩家晝夜排隊等候著遊戲的發售。受歡迎程度超出了capcom的預期,結果日本地區首天銷量為180萬套,加上美國地區的20萬套,《生化危機2》成為capcom歷史上第一款首日銷量突破200萬套的遊戲,勢頭直逼當時發售不久的《最終幻想7》。 《生化危機2》的成功徹底奠定了該系列在生存恐怖遊戲領域的霸主地位,成為系列的最高峰。 雖然於1999年9月27日發售的《生化危機3》也取得了不錯的銷量,但是由於改動不大,且只是對2代的情節做了一個補充,所並沒有受到廣泛的好評。 隨著sega新主機-dreamcast的發售,capcom迫切與其展開合作,希望憑藉新主機的強大機能重塑《生化危機》年的輝煌,但是由於capcom與sony簽定了獨佔協議,所以《生化危機》的正統續作不能在playstation以外的主機上發售,所以dc版的《生化危機 代號:維羅尼卡》就是在當時的特殊環境下誕生的,並於2000年2月3日登陸dc平臺。 但是由於sega自身營銷策略的失誤,使得dreamcast主機供貨嚴重不足,加上隨後playstation 2的發售,使得dc主機的銷量接近冰點。雖然《維羅尼卡》 擁有超高的素質,優秀的故事情節,但是其銷量在日本也僅僅停留在50萬。capcom不甘心大量的開發費用就這樣付諸東流(據悉:《維羅尼卡》的開發費用為1500萬美元),所以於次年3月22日-《生化危機》五週年紀念,釋出了《生化危機 代號:維羅尼卡完全版》的dc版和ps2版。 capcom這種背信棄義的行為使得那些為了《生化危機》才購買dc主機的玩家傷透了心,雖然capcom一再向廣大玩家道歉,但是惡劣的影響已經無法挽回。ps2版的《維羅尼卡》銷量並沒有顯著的提升。 與此同時,由於c社的大量作品銷售成績不佳,使其陷入了財政危機,當時有傳言說capcom將要變賣剛剛建成的總部大樓,用以償還債務。就在此時一件意想不到的事情發生了,在capcom的新聞釋出會上,著名遊戲製作人-三上真司宣佈,其製作小組已經停止了ps2版《生化危機》的開發工作,從此以後,《生化危機》的全系列作品將獨佔任天堂的ngc主機,並在釋出會上與任天堂的王牌製作人宮本茂親切握手。訊息已經傳出業界一片譁然,此舉動確實讓人浮想聯翩(隨後得到證實,任天堂支付了《生化危機4》一半的開發費用,capcom為了降低風險,度過財務危機,才與任天堂合作)。 而這之後,capcom並沒有馬上推出《生化危機4》,打頭陣的是《生化危機》初代的重製版和早就公佈的《生化危機0》。憑藉ngc 主機強大的圖象處理功能,《生化危機》發生了脫胎換骨的變化,其畫面表現力甚至超過了同時期其他遊戲的cg水平。伴隨影象大幅度進化而來的是更深的投入感和恐怖感的迴歸。日本著名遊戲雜誌《fami通》為這兩作的評分分別為39分和38分(滿分為40分)。但是由於ngc主機主要面向低年齡玩家,再加上capcom有過食言的行為,使得玩家相信《生化危機》一定會移植到ps2主機上的。這使得兩款作品的首周銷量區區十幾萬。 《生化危機 rebirth》和《生化危機0》的銷量不佳使得capcom並沒有擺脫財政危機,分析家認為,capcom要想徹底擺脫經濟危機,《生化危機4》的銷量在全球要達到350萬套,這對於銷量在各地區普遍偏低且低齡化的ngc主機來說,是不可能完成的任務。所以《生化危機4》的移植在所難免。雖然capcom再一次食言,但這對於廣大擁有ps2主機的玩家來說,是一件非常好的事情。 《生化危機4》最初公佈於2002年底,遊戲的主角是《生化危機2》的新上任的警察leon s kennedy,雖然遊戲在細節方面有所改動,但是整體還是延續系列一貫的風格。該系列的一些老的製作人,由於厭煩了大量重複且毫無創新的工作,紛紛離開“生化”開發小組。為了使這個系列徹底擺脫老套路的束縛,製作小組決定進行大膽的革新。首先對圍繞著傘公司的故事情節做一個總結,重新講述新的故事。 其次,將《生化危機》中的標誌性設定-喪屍取消,換成比其更有智慧,行動更敏捷,且攻擊力更高的敵人。顯示模式變為16:10的寬屏模式,視角也變為第三人稱的背後視角,射擊時則變為第一人稱主視角。而且有紅外瞄準功能,當打到敵人的不同部位時,如頭、胳膊、腹部和腿時,敵人會做出各種不同的反映。而且為了提高動作性,還專門設立了一個動作鍵,可以做出翻窗而出,踢倒梯子,踢飛敵人等,在boss戰時動作鍵起到了至關重要的作用。 《生化危機4》是真正意義上的全3d作品,以往《生化危機》的系列作品全都是採用3d人物加背景貼圖(除“維羅尼卡”外)。這就對製作人員提出了更高的要求,再加上場景異常的複雜,還要使室內環境和室外環境做到無縫的連線。此外,《生化危機4》在音效上下了非常大的工夫,一些聲音是利用公司原有的素材,另一些聲音是重新錄製的,還有一些聲音則來自於動物。在動作捕捉方面,capcom放棄使用公司自主開發的工具,轉而投向更為專業的工具。這使得《生化危機4》中的動作看起來更加的流暢和協調。 還有兩個非常大的改動是其一,取消了系列時空道具箱的設定,這就使得玩家需要合理的安排道具的種類和位置。其次,《生化危機4》以前的作品的時間都是設定在晚上,且沒有變化。而在本作中,環境對遊戲的程序起到了重要的作用。開始的時候,天還是亮的,你可以很清楚的看到敵人所在的位置,但是隨著時間的推移,天色會慢慢的變黑。黑夜中,你只能藉助火把的微光來辨別方向,而敵人卻埋伏在四周,隨時會向你撲來,這個設定使恐怖感大大增加。最後,是人物口型的調整。錄音工作是在美國完成的,隨後製作人員對人物的口型做了精確的調整,使得看起來並沒有太大的出入。 至今為止,《生化危機》已有10年的歷史,全系列的累計銷量已經超過了2000萬。今年的e3展上,capcom公佈了《生化危機5》,並決定將於2008年在playstation 3和xbox 360上同時推出。所以,我們堅信《生化危機》的歷史還將延續下去,而作為系列忠實fans的我們,也許永遠也不希望看到它結束的那一天。
