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露娜的英雄臺詞小夥47DC 2016-06-03

英文臺詞中文臺詞 The Moon Rider has arrived月之騎士已經到來In the service of Selemene以Selemene(月亮女神)之名為你服務Nova could use a snacknova(月騎坐騎)又可以吃點心了The Dark Moon comes月黑之夜到了Watch over me, Goddess。 It‘ll be a good show。注視我吧,女神,這將是一場精彩的比賽First blood! For Selemene and for the Dark Moon!第一滴血,為了Selemene和暗月。Let’s go!我們走Absolutely當然Good plan好主意Illuminating照亮(它們)Come, Nova!來吧,novaQuickly now!速度The night sees all。黑夜看清了一切By starlight以星光的名義Selemene commandsSelemene的旨意We ride我們一同前行What do you see?你看到了什麼On the hunt。正在獵殺!Taste my steel嚐嚐我的月刃!Catch!抓住它Crescent steel!新月彎刀!For Nightsilver!為了銀葉森林For Dark Moon!為了暗月Into battle戰鬥吧This will hurt。那樣你會受傷的哦Fear the moon!畏懼月亮吧With pleasure。非常樂意Death approaches。死神降臨了You won‘t escape!你逃不掉的Heads up!小心!Incoming!來了Slice!碎裂吧Red moon!猩紅之月Try to run!想跑嗎Who dares?誰怕了?For Selemene!為了SelemeneNo mercy!毫不留情I’ll see your entrails。我將會看到你的內臟Run them down!擊倒他們Piercing light!穿透性的光芒Piercing!穿透吧Feel the moon!感受月之強大吧The night sky opens wide!夜色下的天空更加開闊The eclipse is upon you!月蝕已在你的頭頂Blessed be the night!黑夜的佑護Let the sky tear down the unworthy!讓天空撕裂掉那些弱者吧Wrath of the Goddess!女神的憤怒Behold the piercing sky!注視著被刺破的蒼穹The stars are against me。星星也要違揹我嗎Damn clouds該死的雲朵The moon smiles upon me!月亮在對我微笑A new moon!新生Blessings upon a loyal warrior。一個忠誠戰士的庇護The sky alight!天空更亮了The night settles in夜晚來了Beautiful漂亮!hey will fear me。他們會畏懼我的They will find my blade sharp, and cruel。他們會知道我的劍刃鋒利,而且無情I‘m done being merciful!我已經很仁慈了The moon waxes, and my mercy wanes我的仁慈隨月的陰晴圓缺而變Hungry Nova?餓了嗎,nova?Die mongrel。死吧,垃圾Pitiful。真可憐Die with honor, whelp死的光榮,小崽子Aww。 Are you not going to beg?哈,你難道不想求饒嗎Lost in the woods, are you?已經迷失在叢林中了,不是嗎?Do not cross the Dark Moon。別想活著離開暗月Let the skies take you。讓天空帶你走吧,哈哈Clearly not your best。很明顯,你太弱了What is this? I came here for a battle!什麼?我是來戰鬥的,少年!Pathetic。可憐人啊I’m better than。。。 this。我其實還可以搶救一下!You‘ll regret that。你會後悔的!Another phase begins。另一個月相開始了 The hunt continues!狩獵繼續Nova! I missed you!nova,我好想你We ride once more。我們再一次合體了Selemene has sent me back。月亮女神又把我送回來了The woods are unsafe。 My work is not yet complete!森林裡依然危機重重,我的任務仍未完成Oh they will rue this day。他們會後悔的I will not fail again。我不會再失敗了No time to lose!沒時間浪費了Ready for battle once more。再次為戰鬥做好了準備Now for payback將要復仇了Back on the hunt!返回獵殺了I would water the trees with their entrails if Selemene would smile on me。如果Selemene支援我,我將會用敵人的臟腑來灌溉我們的森林Hah! I remember when Nova tried to kill me。 Good girl。哈,我記得nova想要殺我的時候,真是個棒女孩I was once the scourge of the plains, a terror on the wind。 What hope do our enemies think they have?我曾經是大地的苦難,風中的恐懼,那我們的敵人又有什麼呢A gift from the Goddess。女神的禮物Worthy of my arsenal。值得充盈我的武器庫This will come in handy這遲早會用到A Lunar beacon。明月的燈塔They can’t run from us now。他們再也追不上我們了nova For when the skies clear!等天空變得更藍一點Isn‘t that a pretty thing!難道不漂亮嗎By the moon!月亮在祝福我As eternal as the moon如月亮般永恆Wounds are nothing to us!傷口對於我們一點事也沒有

