form 8843 沒填怎麼辦

  • 作者:由 匿名使用者 發表于 詩詞
  • 2022-08-15

form 8843 沒填怎麼辦永不落的太陽2017.03.19 回答

If you do not file Form 8843 on time, you may not exclude the days you were present in the United States as a professional athlete or because of a medical condition or medical problem that arose while you were in the United States。 Failure to exclude days of presence in the United States could result in your being considered a U。S。 resident under the presence test。

You will not be penalized if you can show by clear and convincing evidence that you took reasonable actions to become aware of the filing requirements and significant steps to comply with。


form 8843 沒填怎麼辦沒那麼簡單2017.03.19 回答

