
  • 作者:由 匿名使用者 發表于 詩詞
  • 2022-09-24

天將降大任於斯人也翻譯過來是什麼意思匿名使用者2022.03.20 回答

Determined to has, will first frustrates, harasses, hungry always, empty of its body。 Him by its nature, so to stimulate, once the not - mencius“ The day of the day is greater than that of the people , and it will be hard for the people to work hard , the bones of their muscles , and the skin of the hungry , and they will be empty 。 Anyone who descends on the sky also must first bitter his mind, laboring his bones, hungry his body skin, lack of body。 Bank whipped their own chaos, so be patient and forbearing, had its can not - Mencius 根據具體問題型別,進行步驟拆解/原因原理分析/內容拓展等。具體步驟如下:/導致這種情況的原因主要是……
