關於亞當斯密《國富論》和科斯《企業的性質》的問題 英文版題目 可以用中文回答 本人經濟不好 希望借鑑答

  • 作者:由 匿名使用者 發表于 體育
  • 2023-01-09

Themastergun-maker-th***。usuallyheownedmerelyawarehouseinthegunquarter,andhisfunctionwastoacquiresemifinsihedpartsandtogivetho。。。 The master gun-maker-the entrepreneur-seldom possessed a factory or workshop。 Usually he owned merely a warehouse in the gun quarter, and his function was to acquire semifinsihed parts and to give those out to specialized craftsmen, who undertook assembly and finishing of the gun。 Her purchased material from barrel-makers, lockmakers, sight-stampers, trigger-makers, ramrod-forgers, gun-furniture makers, and if he were engaged in the military branch, from bayonet-forgers。 All of these were independent manufacturers executing the orders of several master gun-makers。 Once the parts had been purchased from the “material-makers,” as they were called, the next task was to hand them out to a long succession of “setters-up,” each of whom performed a specific operation in connection with the assembly and finishing of the gun。 To name only a few, there were those who prepared the front sight and lump end of the barrels; the jiggers, who attended to the breech end; the stockers, who let in the barrel and lock and shaped the stock; the barrel-strippers, who prepared the gun for rifling and proof; the hardeners, polishers, borers and riflers, engravers, browners, and finally the lock-freers, who adjusted the working parts。

1。 Drawing from your reading of the Wealth of Nations’ excerpt, describe why production of guns was organized in the above fashion。 In other words, discus the efficiencies associated with the production process detailed above。 What does the structure of production imply about the extent of the market for rifles?

2。 Drawing upon ideas presented in Coase’s The Nature of the Firm, explain why coordination of the many tasks of producing guns does not occur in vertically integrated firms。 In other words, what characteristics of the above industry account for the low costs of organizing production through a series of market exchanges between independent workers?( Focus on the three main types of transaction costs Coase described and give reason why these costs werer relatively low in the above industry, making market coordination efficient。) 展開

關於亞當斯密《國富論》和科斯《企業的性質》的問題 英文版題目 可以用中文回答 本人經濟不好 希望借鑑答QMYCC已燒縣再便味包Ccc2014-09360問答-11



。 Based on Ada


m‘s theory, se


perating whole working prosesses is the wa


y which creating the huge profi


ts, decrea


sing the co

st and generat

ing economies o


f scale for e


nterprise。 This could be us

ed to explain

why the gun-


makers would use kind of production s

trategy。 Everyo

ne just needs t


o focus on sp

ecial work

。 It will improve the working efficiency dramatically。 It is typical applications in t

he fields of mar

ket economy and free trade。


hat is one of di

fferences between vertically integrated firms and horizontally inatetr

ated firms

。 The coordin

ation of the many

tasks cannot be embedded into vertically integrated f


irms which have many levels。 “Coase noted, however, that th

ere are a n

umber of t

ransaction c

osts to using th

e market;

the cost of obtaining a good or service via the m

arket is actu

ally more than

just the p

rice of the good。 O

ther costs, i

ncluding search

and informati

on costs, bargaining costs, keeping trad

e secrets, and pol

icing and enforcement costs, can all potentially a

dd to the cost o

f procuring something via the market。 This


suggests that firms will arise when they can a


rrange to produce what they ne


ed internally and


somehow avoid these costs。” (Coas

e 1937) Based on a

bove explai

nation, it co

uld say the costs were relatively low。


e useful。
