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  • 2023-01-06

《越獄》中人物的外號都有哪些?網友e46929ca0 推薦於2016-09-12



adjective。 1。 crazy, mad。 2。 To go haywire = to go nuts。eg。 That guy‘s been to the war and gone haywire。 tags: crazy mad nuts looney insane


Hay的意思是“乾草”,wire的意思是“鐵絲網”,haywire的意思也就是“捆綁乾草的鐵絲”。農民一般都是用一根細的鐵絲把乾草一捆捆地捆起來。但是,haywire不知道什麼時候就會忽然崩開或彈起來,不能很穩定系統的工作。也象一個人神經失控一樣。鐵絲這種四處亂彈亂跳的現象就形成了美國人常用的一個俗語,也就是:to go haywire,意思是“臨時的、效率低的,出毛病”或者“陷於混亂、興奮得發狂、精神失常”。所以haywire的意思就擴充套件成可以形容任何公司和經營是“組織混亂的”和“不能正常工作”。後來它也可以用來形容人,意思是“瘋狂的”。

2。C-Note:Benjamin “C-Note”Fankling


signifying the quantity of 100 in roman numerals, “note” signifying federal reserve note, thus “cnote” signifies 100 dollars。

eg。 Got change for a cnote?

指百元大鈔。C-Note擅長交易,其演員也在訪談中說,是因為他不管給別人買再小的東西,也要收100元,所以叫C-Note。而且,$100美元上印有Benjamin Franklin的頭像,和片中人物同名。Benjamin Franklin是18世紀美國著名的科學家和政治家,參與起草《獨立宣言》。

3。Tweener:David “Tweener”Apolskis

A young White man confused about his culture and ressembles a Black man。 He is in between。。 he is a Tweener。

eg。 Yo Tweener, that hoe is a quebecunt fo sho!

Tweener好多意思,任何in between的東西都可以叫tweener。指他在支援白人和黑人之間徘徊。 具體參看T-BAG摸他膝蓋那一集,這個名字似乎是T-BAG給的“a regular tweener”

4。Linc“the sink”:Lincon Burrows

Lincoln is known to be a tough, hard fighter among the cons at Fox River。 Usually, when someone comes at you, they give you “everything but the kitchen sink”。 Lincoln, or ’Linc‘, gives off more of an effort than that and is referred to as the “sink”。 Hence, “Linc(k) the Sink”。

在ep1裡,講到:在FOX RIVER的那些犯人裡邊,LINC屬於是比較能打的壯漢。一般來說,當別人來打你的時候,你會把什麼東西都拿來打他(everything but the kitchen sink是老美的SLANG),可LINC不一樣,他會把這個東西也拿去砸人,加上他的名字LINC和SINK就一個音不一樣,所以大家就那麼叫他了。

Everything but the kitchen sink英文的解釋

Everything but the kitchen sink is what you brought with you when you included almost everything you could think to bring。

Example: “Wow, your suitcase is huge。 What do you have in there? Everything but the kitchen sink?”

When we we are deciding what to bring with us, we try to take everything possible。 But some things, like the kitchen sink, are just not convenient。 Example: “Every time we go camping my wife packs everything but the kitchen sink。”

Everything but the kitchen sink means that you included almost everything you could think to include。 Example: “My dad’s new luxury car is great。 It has everything but the kitchen sink。”


but the kitchen


5。Cherry:Seth “Cherry” Horrner

Something looks pretty and fresh。 slang term for a woman‘s hymen。

是上吊自殺的那個小男孩兒。本指櫻桃,是他長得俊美,年紀嫩。Like a virgin。

6。T-Bag:Theodore “T-Bag” Bagwell

When a girl is lying on her back and blowing you, you grab your cock and lift it out of the way and dip your nuts in and out of her mouth like you dipping a tea bag 。。


Rob K。 在G4的訪問中說,他在拍PB以前也不是特別瞭解,芝加哥人才都知道T-Bag是什麼意思。他說PB的編劇很聰明,給他起Bagwell這樣的姓,就很順理成章縮寫成T-Bag,就可以自然而然這樣叫他,而不讓觀眾覺得“太過分了”。

7。Maytag:Jason “Maytag”Buchanan

A prison term for a young inmate who performs sexual favors for a dominate top in exchange for protection。

eg。 I gotta get me a new Maytag。。。’cause my boy just got


T-bag 在前幾集的“女朋友”和室友。此綽號正是這個意思。海爾曾經要收購的美國家用電器生產廠商也叫Maytag。估計本指“服務的女人”的意思,在監獄裡被引申啦。
