the fact of life的歌詞翻譯

Artist: Black Box Recorder藝術家:黑匣子song:The Facts of Life曲目:生活的真相Do do do, do do doDo do do, do do do嘟嘟嘟,嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟,嘟嘟嘟When bo...

數碼沖印 用英語怎麼說?

沖洗如 develop a photograph 沖洗照片develop and print the digital filmdigital developingdigital Processing film...


我非常想的英文是I want very much比如說我非常想回家英文是I want to go home very much我非常想I think very muchi really want to develop a friendsh...


If we want to share an orderly and pleasant traffic system, we must control the growth of the population and solve those...

英語辯論:辯題為economy or environment,we have to choose?

Also you can’t imagine that people can have a happy, rich and healthy life in a badly polluted environment where you can...


翻譯如下:洗照片develop photographs例句:要去華盛頓公園附近洗照片,路上看見一藝術家...

培養 習慣用英語怎麼表達培養是用哪個

cultivate:培養接班人 train successors培養人才 train men for profession培養對藝術的興趣 cultivate a taste of art培養孩子遵守紀律 practice children...


希望幫得上忙^-^培養自信英文:develop self-confidence培養英文:foster...


