
  • 作者:由 匿名使用者 發表于 文化
  • 2022-10-15

一切事都不像想象的那樣順利用英語怎麼說?稍安勿躁2017.09.02 回答

All things are not in good train as imange

一切事都不像想象的那樣順利用英語怎麼說?孤孤單單一個人2017.08.31 回答


things are not progressing so smooth as they imagined

things have not developed so smoothly as they imagined。

things are not going so smooth as they have expected

一切事都不像想象的那樣順利用英語怎麼說?匿名使用者2017.08.31 回答

The things are not go well as the imagination

一切事都不像想象的那樣順利用英語怎麼說?匿名使用者2017.08.31 回答

Imagine all things are not as smooth
