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  • 2022-06-23

painting什麼意思中文翻譯Vee2018.07.08 回答





上油漆; 繪畫藝術

(一幅)水彩畫, 油畫

The painting looks better at a distance。


painting什麼意思中文翻譯*﹏素墨〆…2015.01.18 回答

painting by chagall 夏加爾的油畫 演唱:the weepies 專輯:say i am you thunder rumbles in the distance, a quiet intensity 遠方的輕雷陣陣,一種強烈的安靜 i am willful, your insistence is tugging at the best of me 我很任性,你固執的牽著完美的我 you\‘re the moon, i\’m the water 你似月的光華,我似水之波紋 you\‘re mars, calling up neptune\’s daughter 我的火星,哄著海王星的女兒 sometimes rain that\‘s needed falls 有時雨絲飄來,因為世界需要滋潤 we float like two lovers in a painting by chagall 我們像夏加爾油畫中的兩個愛人一樣在漂浮。。 all around is sky and blue town 清澈的天和藍色的小鎮環繞著四面八方 holding these flowers for a wedding gown 鮮花柔飾花的嫁紗 we live so high above the ground, satellites surround us。 我們願意飛翔在高空中,因為星星陪會我們一起飛 i am humbled in this city我卑微的遊走在這個孤寂的城市 there seems to be an endless sea那裡看上去像無邊無際的海 of people like us wakeful dreamers,人們喜歡我們像無眠的夢想家 i pass them on the sunlit streets in our rooms我越過陽光普照的大街穿過他們 filled with laughter我們的小屋滿載歡樂 we make hope from every small disaster小的災難讓我們重拾希望 sometimes rain that\’s needed falls有時雨絲飄來,因為世界需要滋潤 we float like two lovers in a painting by chagall我們像夏加爾油畫中的兩個愛人一樣在漂浮。。 all around is sky and blue town清澈的天和藍色的小鎮環繞著四面八方 holding these flowers for a wedding gown鮮花柔飾花的嫁紗 we live so high above the ground, satellites surround us。我們願意飛翔在高空中,因為星星陪會我們一起飛 everybody says “you can‘t, you can\’t, you can\‘t, don\’t try。”每個人都說,你不行你不行你不行,不要再徒勞了 still everybody says that if they had the chance they\‘d fly like we do。每個人仍舊會說如果他們有機會也會像我們一樣成功 sometimes rain that\’s needed falls有時雨絲飄來,因為世界需要滋潤 we float like two lovers in a painting by chagall我們像夏加爾油畫中的兩個愛人一樣在漂浮。。 all around is sky and blue town清澈的天和藍色的小鎮環繞著四面八方 holding these flowers for a wedding gown鮮花柔飾花的嫁紗 we live so high above the ground, satellites surround us。我們願意飛翔在高空中,因為星星陪會我們一起飛 satellites surround us。因為星星陪會我們一起飛 sometimes rain that\‘s needed falls有時雨絲飄來,因為世界需要滋潤。。。。
