哮喘病 能根治嗎

  • 作者:由 匿名使用者 發表于 舞蹈
  • 2022-10-25

哮喘病 能根治嗎匿名使用者 2013-08-06

TCM theory holds that “Medicinal and Edible” means derived from food-medicine, as a therapeutic approach enjoying their body, but also its taste Piansheng heal without any side effects。 Taste of their own medicine mostly Piansheng, uniforms useless; while food and more gentle non-toxic, long time with harmless。 Therefore, TCM believes that “medicine as tonic。” Therefore appropriate to combine food and drugs, after proper cooking, you can have the treatment and prevention of asthma patients the role of food and medicine with the use of such foods being medicated。 Now commonly used in some asthma patients medicated described below。



[組 成] 絲瓜10片,雞蛋膜2張,粳米30克。

[用 法] 用雞蛋膜煎水取汁,煮粳米粥1碗,加入絲瓜再煮熟,加鹽、味精、麻油少許調味。每日1次,趁溫熱服完。

[功 效] 清熱化痰,止咳平喘,調和脾胃。

[適應證] 適用於熱性哮喘病人,見呼吸急促,喉中有哮鳴聲,咳嗽陣作,痰黃粘稠,心煩口渴,舌紅、苔黃膩、脈滑數等。


[組 成] 杏仁10克,豬肺90克,粳米60克。

[用 法] 製作將杏仁去皮尖,洗淨。豬肺洗淨,切塊,放人鍋內出水後,再用清水漂洗淨。將洗淨的粳米與杏仁、豬肺—起放入鍋內,加清水適量,文火煮成稀粥,調味即可。隨量食用。

[功 效] 宣肺降氣,化痰止咳。

[適應證] 哮喘屬於痰飲內盛者,症見咳嗽,痰多,呼吸不順,甚則氣喘,喉中哮鳴,胸脯滿悶,脈滑等。

哮喘病 能根治嗎情感診療師 2020-10-01
