用In order to 為開頭造十個句子,謝謝

  • 作者:由 匿名使用者 發表于 農業
  • 2023-01-09

用In order to 為開頭造十個句子,謝謝蝶舞,天涯2018.06.09 回答

In order to study well,I will study harder I work hard in order to satisfy my mum 。

I asked my teacher in order to work out the difficult problem

in order to =in order that 意為“為了”

in order to 後面加短語

in order that 後面加完整的句子


用In order to 為開頭造十個句子,謝謝匿名使用者2011.10.21 回答

In order to have a bright future, you must study hard。

In order to pass the driving test, you practised every day。

In order to support the family, he worked day and night

用In order to 為開頭造十個句子,謝謝大大方方2011.08.20 回答

can you first out to me you are that pure and white body?
