英語 do as romans do(入鄉隨俗)的由來

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  • 2022-08-12

英語 do as romans do(入鄉隨俗)的由來,為什麼英文“入鄉隨俗”這句諺語叫 do as romans do。 知道的大大告訴下下,謝謝

英語 do as romans do(入鄉隨俗)的由來Enfothdonmymn2013-04-10

不知道這個是不是When in Rome, do as the Romans do。


On a weekend, Ella and Jacky go to the suburbs of Beijing with their families。 They stay in a village。 In the evening, Jacky is angry because his bed is not soft。 Next morning, Jacky is angrier。 He complains, “I don‘t like mantou and porridge。 I only have milk and bread for breakfast!” Ella can’t stand it any more。 She says, “Stop it, Jacky。 When in Rome, do as the Romans do!”

只能找到入鄉隨俗的出處When in Rome, Do as the Romans Do For those who have never tried eating with their fingers instead of with forks or chopsticks, it may be worth a try when they travel one day to a place like India。  It is always advisable to follow local customs wherever one visits, as the proverb “When in Rome, do as the Romans do” says。 Widely taken as an infallible precept, the saying “When in Rome, do as the Romans do” is attributed to Saint Ambrose, one of the most eminent bishops of the 4th century。  When Saint Augustine arrived in Milan, he observed that, unlike the practice in Rome, the Church there did not fast on Saturday。  He then consulted Saint Ambrose, Bishop of Milan, whether religious fasting should be practised on Saturday。  Saint Ambrose replied, “When I am in Milan, I do not fast on Saturday; when I am in Rome, I fast on Saturday”, and advised him to follow the custom of the Church where he was。  Saint Ambrose’s advice had appeared in English by about 1530 and eventually became “When in Rome, do as the Romans do”。  “When in Rome, do as the Romans do” remains a popular saying and is often shortened to either simply “when in Rome” or to simply “do as the Romans do”。  For example, “I don’t usually eat lamb, but I did when I went to New Zealand, well, when in Rome。。。” and “I know you have egg and bacon for breakfast at home, but now you are on the Continent。  So do as the Romans do and take coffee and rolls instead。”  中國幅員遼闊,民族有五十六個之多;每個民族各有特殊風俗,例如回族、維吾爾族等忌吃豬肉;蒙古族忌諱坐於蒙古包的西北角;哈尼族不會到產婦家借用傢俱;佤族忌諱別人摸頭和耳朵。即使同是漢族,也可能因方言互異、地域不同、文化有別而在風俗方面各有所依。有些風俗在外人看來莫名其妙,但對族人來說卻意義重大。尊重別人的風俗習慣,除了是基本禮貌之外,也有助於人際交往。 每到一處陌生地方,首先了解清楚當地的習俗,並按這些風俗習慣行事,此謂“入鄉隨俗”。這個成語出自《莊子˙山木》:“入其俗,從其令”,可用以比喻能適應環境,隨遇而安。“入鄉隨俗”也作“入鄉隨鄉”、“隨鄉入鄉”和“隨鄉入俗”。 俗語有云:“千里不同風,百里不同俗”。世界各地都有本身的風俗習慣,前往外地公幹或旅遊時,應儘可能跟從當地的風俗,以示尊重。清楚知道有何禁忌,以免觸犯,也同樣重要。總而言之,只要謹記《禮記˙曲禮上》所言:“入境而問禁,入國而問俗,入門而問諱”,便無往而不利。
