歐弟在天天向上唱了一首韓語歌 歌詞裡面有上上下下

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  • 2022-08-21

歐弟在天天向上唱了一首韓語歌 歌詞裡面有上上下下回憶.2018.12.17 回答



歐弟在天天向上唱了一首韓語歌 歌詞裡面有上上下下匿名2015.09.12 回答

歌名:back at one 歌手:brian mcknightits undeniable that we should be together 不可否認,我們將會廝守在一起。its unbeleivable how i used to say 無法相信,that i‘ll fall never 我一直以為我不會再墜入愛河。the basis you need to know 你要知道, 那麼就讓我來告訴你,if you don’t know just how i feel 如果你不瞭解此刻我的感受,then let me show 那麼就讓我來告訴你, you know that i‘m for real 你知道我對你是認真的。if all things in time 如果一切遲早要到來,time will reveal 時間就是最好的證明。one you’re like a dream come true 一,你就像美夢成真,two just want to be with you 二,就是想和你廝守。three girl it‘s plain to see 三,很明顯,that you’re the only one for me 你就是我的唯一。 four repeat steps one through three 四,這三種感受越來越深刻。five, make you fall in love with me 五, 要你與我共墜愛河。if ever i beleive my work is done 如果我能做到,then i‘ll start it back at one 我的美夢就能成真。it’s so incredible 真是令人難以置信,the way things work themselves out 一切都迎刃而解。it‘s all emotional 讓人感動, when you know what it’s all about 如果你瞭解所有這一切。and it‘s undesirable for us to be apart 我們不應該分開,we never would have made it very far 我不會遠離你。’cause you know 因為你知道you‘ve got the keys to my heart 你找到了開啟我心門的鑰匙。one you’re like a dream come true 一,你就像美夢成真,two just want to be with you 二,就是想和你廝守。three girl it‘s plain to see 三,很明顯,that you’re the only one for me 你就是我的唯一。four repeat steps one through three 四,這三種感受越來越深刻。five, make you fall in love with me 五, 要你與我共墜愛河。 if ever i beleive my work is done 如果我能做到,then i‘ll start it back at one 我的美夢就能成真。say farewell to the dark of night 對這漫漫長夜說聲再見,i see the coming of the sun 我看見了初升的朝陽。 i feel like a little child 我覺得我像個小孩子,my life has just begun 生命才剛剛開始。you came and breathed new life 你來到了我的身邊,into this lonely heart of mine 為我孤獨的心靈注入了生氣。you threw out the lifeline 你來的正是時候,just in the nick of time 向我丟擲了救生索
