英語作文有關小組合作學習好處短文 1小組合作學習的好處 2感受深刻的學習經歷 3你的收穫

  • 作者:由 自己不委屈♥更不帶高傲 發表于 舞蹈
  • 2022-09-22

英語作文有關小組合作學習好處短文 1小組合作學習的好處 2感受深刻的學習經歷 3你的收穫Lelucermaire2013.02.20 回答

Society needs cooperation。 Learning English is the same 。

Language is a kind of tools of communicating with others 。 The meaning of learning language is to use it 。So it‘s not enough to just remember some English words ,drills and grammar rules 。 We must use it 。 We must communicate with others in English 。 That’s the best way of learning it well 。。

In class , a good teacher should create the chance to work together  for his students 。 Only cooperation , the students can share the enjoyness of learning language 。 Only cooperation , they can feel the happiness of communicating together, It will arouse their hunger for understanding sharing cooperating and knowledge。

英語作文有關小組合作學習好處短文 1小組合作學習的好處 2感受深刻的學習經歷 3你的收穫匿名使用者2016.01.29 回答

