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  • 2022-04-01

英文版漢堡包的由來誰知道? 隨風飄揚 1級 2020-04-13 回答

漢堡包一詞為英語Hamburger的中文名,同時含有音譯及義譯的元素在內,有時也直接稱為漢堡。漢堡包原名來自於德國的城市漢堡市(Hamburg)。在英語裡頭,Hamburger就是指“來自漢堡的”,可以是指漢堡包本身,或是包裡面由牛絞肉或其他夾有牛絞肉做成的肉餅。這一種肉餅,現時在漢語普遍稱之為漢堡排,而漢堡包則用來專指夾了漢堡排的圓包三明治。Hamburger這個名字起源於德國西北城市漢堡(Hamburg),今日的漢堡是德國最為繁忙的港口,在19世紀中葉的時候,居住在那裡的人們喜歡把牛排搗碎成一定形狀,這種吃法可能被當時的大量德國移民傳到了美洲。 1836年,一道以“漢堡牛排”(Hamburg steak)命名的菜出現在美國人的選單上;從一本1902年的烹飪手冊中我們可以看出,當時Hamburg steak的做法與今天的概念已經很接近了,就是用碎牛肉和洋蔥與胡椒粉拌在一起。到了20世紀晚期,美國人對Hamburg steak的做法進行了改良,然後把它送進了快餐店,這就是今天招人喜愛的hamburger的起源。

值得一提的是,因為hamburger是一種搗得稀爛的牛肉餅,所以人們也用它來比喻“被打得遍體鱗傷的拳擊手”,美俚裡就有make hamburger out of sb。的說法,表示“痛打某人,把某人打成肉餅”。

英文版漢堡包的由來誰知道? 潔寶貝 1級 2020-04-13 回答

after having eaten countless hamburgers, one may perhaps be interested in knowing more about the origins of the name。 by the middle of the 19th century people in hamburg, germany, the busiest port in west germany today, enjoyed pounded beefsteak in some form。 perhaps brought to america by the large numbers of germans who migrated around that time, this sort of dish with the name hamburg steak may have appeared on a menu as early as 1836。 the first recorded use of hamburg steak is found in 1884 in the boston journal, with hamburger steak being first recorded in a walla walla, washington, newspaper in 1889。 a 1902 cookbook contains a recipe for hamburg steak that is closer to our conception, a recipe using ground beef mixed with onion and pepper。 the hamburger was on its way, as was the americanism hamburger。

在吃完了數不清的漢堡包之後,人們可能會有興趣更多地知道一些關於這個名字由來的知識。直至19世紀中葉住在德國漢堡,這個今日德國最為繁忙的港口的人們,喜歡把牛排搗碎成一定形狀。也許是被當時的大量德國移民傳至美洲,這道以hamburg steak 命名的菜最早出現在選單上是在1836年。 hamburg steak 第一次見諸於鉛字是在1884年的 波士頓日報 , 而hamburger steak 第一次見諸於鉛字是在1889年華盛頓州的沃拉沃拉市的一家報紙上。 到1902年烹飪書上關於漢堡牛排的調製法與我們今天的概念已經很接近了,就是用碎牛肉和洋蔥與胡椒粉拌在一起。漢堡包已被廣泛使用,如美國方式的hamburger

英文版漢堡包的由來誰知道? 匿名使用者 1級 2022-02-22 回答

In recent years, in addition to the traditional beef pie folder, also won the second layer of bread coated with butter, mustard, tomato sauce, salad dressing, then into the folder-tomato, onion, vegetables, cucumber, such as acid food, you can At the same time to eat the main Fusi。 This convenience food consumption, delicious flavor, nutrition comprehensive, has now become a popular staple food for one of the world。 But according to many foreign food industry to understand the people, Western countries are the main food of Hamburg in two forms, first, like McDonald‘s, KFC-style fast food chains are doing is selling the sale of Hamburg; other is frozen hamburgers, In the frozen food store in counter sales, from customers to buy home heating in the microwave food, like we are now in supermarkets, chain stores or small kiosks in the purchase of packaging with the hamburger, it can be said is a Chinese characteristics Hamburg Food。 Hamburger (Hamburgsteak), was originally a Hamburg, Germany, a fried beef pie, the end of the 19th century from Germany came to the United States, in 1932 some people have such a folder fried beef pie has spread into the surface of the small round sesame bread as a staple food or snacks Consumption, so named for burgers, Italian beef for hamburger cake bread。
