
  • 作者:由 匿名使用者 發表于 遊戲
  • 2021-08-16

南京第一中學在進行年度十佳青年的評選,根據提示,寫一封推薦信,信的格式已給出,字數要求在60——80左右。1 我想推薦Bob當選今年的十佳青年(Best Youth Award)。2 學習勤奮,在課堂上認真聽講,本學期在英語,語文,數學,歷史上取得好成績。3 鋼琴彈得好,並能很好地組織班級活動。4 樂於助人,心地善良。上週六,在超市裡。一個八歲的小女孩找不到她的媽媽,哭了起來,Bob買了一個玩具小汽車給她,並把她帶到了警察局。5 工作時考慮周到,如果他能獲獎,我將很高興。Dear sir, Yours faithfully Zhao Wei

Dear sir:

As the evaluatian of our school ‘s Best Youth Award have began,I want to recommand Bob to be one of them。 I like to show you my reasons 。 Bob is so hard working that he got good marks in English ,Chinese and maths in this term。 Bob plays piano well and get all the activities in our class well organized 。 Moreover,he is kind and always ready to help others。 Last Saturday, Bob bought a toy for a little girl who couldn’t find her mother in the supermark and took her to the police station。 Besides, Bob can get all things considered at work。 I would be very happy if Bob was selected 。 At the same time , I hope you can think about Bob carefully for what I have said are really true。 Thank you !

Yours faithfully

Zhao Wei
