My New year's Day 寫作文80字

My favourite day of a year is New Year’s Day,becuse I can eat lots of nice hot food and have a holiday...


丹麥的冬天很長,很冷,因此人們普遍傾向於用飲酒驅寒Denmark‘s winter is very long, very cold, so people generally tend to use drinking cold1、冬天形容詞 ...


Are now very popular in the purchase is the net, i have buy so many things here are some views on net : to do everything...


The color of your lipstick is very beautiful...

my favourite cartoon求作文!!英語作文。速度求!重謝!拜託了

doraemon is very lovely and he always makes me happy我最喜歡的卡通人物是多拉A夢...

developed rapidly怎麼讀

——-題記生活的篇章,總在潑墨和留白之間寫意,是developed rapidly誰,用畫筆,匆匆把季節簡單勾勒,將赤橙黃綠,淡成雪天一色...


s 你會發現股肱之臣一詞的出處眾說紛紜,下面是一些預覽:(前兩個都說出自貞觀政要,第三個說出自東周列國志) 但是我翻閱了一下《中華成語全典》〔崇文書局(原湖北辭書出版社)出版〕 這本書中說出自《史記》,書上說:《史記�6�1太史公自...


the tail is so shortthe tail is very smalla very short tailthe tail is very thin/slender尾巴小在於粗細上,即橫截面積,the tail is small...


Li /Teacher Liyang (Who Is The Founder Of Crazy English)定語從句,修飾李陽 Is Very/Quite FamousMrli sun the teacher is very famou...

翻譯 treasures

財寶是財富的意思[ C ] informal someone who is very helpful and valuable to youto take great care of something because you l...

Although though是不是就永遠放在句子的最前面?

she didn‘t pass the exam though she didn’t lose heart...


My hobby is exercise, my childhood body is very weak, but now I‘m strong, because doing sports...


展開全部用英語去表揚一個孩子很有創造了To praise a child in English is very creative...

We were very much surprised .這句話為什麼不能用very much 當字尾?

這個是習慣問題,從語法上說very much 是可以放在surprised的後面,但是英語有很多固定搭配和習慣用法,是不符合英語語法的,這個問題上不用太糾結,如果要深究,應該從英語的語言文化上去解釋打字不易,採納哦...

英語 填空 求高手

inwe can learn about things ()English填with  有from就選from句子填空:Let‘s go out for a walk,shall we...

天會黑,情會變,十分感情七分騙。 用英語怎麼說呢?

sky will be dark emotion will be Change very emotional seven cheat你好...
