Patients of AH1N1 flu must be sent to hospital as (quickly) we can 語法重點解釋括號中的...

  • 作者:由 ❀ 喵花 發表于 文化
  • 2022-09-16

Patients of AH1N1 flu must be sent to hospital as (quickly) we can 語法重點解釋括號中的...匿名使用者2010.02.07 回答

as+ 形容詞+as ……

Patients of AH1N1 flu must be sent to hospital as (quickly) we can 語法重點解釋括號中的...熟睡の王子2010.02.07 回答

Patients of A/H1N1 flu must be sent to hospital as (quickly) as we can 首先,as。。。as表示原級比較,“。。。”的位置應添adj。或adv。但在原句中,as quickly as是儘可能快的意思,省略的是possible(as。。。as possible)

For example: As loudly as possible。 儘可能地響亮



Patients of AH1N1 flu must be sent to hospital as (quickly) we can 語法重點解釋括號中的...鹿鈴兒2010.02.07 回答

你的原句有錯, 你打漏了一個單詞。應該是:Patients of A/H1N1 flu must be sent to hospital as (quickly)as we can。 語法點:1。 被動語態。2。 as 。。。 as 句子意思:我們要儘快將A/H1N1流感病人送到醫院。 1。 病人是由我們送進去的,所以用被動語態。 2。 儘快,英語的表達用 as + 副詞(soon/quickly/early) + as

Patients of AH1N1 flu must be sent to hospital as (quickly) we can 語法重點解釋括號中的...*^_^*小草2010.02.07 回答


另外,後半句應該是as quickly as we can,翻譯成“盡我們可能的快(儘快)”
