scaborough fair英文版 歌詞

難點提示Parsley, 歐芹 Sage, 鼠尾草 Rosemary,迷迭香 Thyme,百里香 Cambric,亞麻 Sparrow,麻雀 Crest,鳥冠,峰頂 Seam,縫 Clarion,小號 Acre,英畝 Sprinkle,灑,...


thyme即百里香,中世紀的騎士們赴戰場作戰,常把thyme掛在自己的盔甲上,因此thyme常常象徵著勇氣Are you going to Scarborough Fair 問爾所之,是否如適Parsely sage rosemary an...

義大利電影<<2008新畢業生等待黎明2>>The Night Before Final Exam中的所有插曲名稱是什麼?

歌詞:Scarborough Fair歌手名:sarah brightman歌曲名:scarborough fair(中英對照版)Are you going to Scarborough Fair...


one day, he toldkrick larzthe moon goddess to spend,he taughtkrick larzdown to earth and said that picking wild roses ro...


” 歌詞如下:問爾所之,是否如適 Are you going to Scarborough Fair蕙蘭芫荽,鬱郁香芷 Parsley sage rosemary and thyme彼方淑女,憑君寄辭 Remember me to one ...

歌曲 史卡保羅集市 到底在表達什麼?

” 歌詞如下:問爾所之,是否如適 Are you going to Scarborough Fair蕙蘭芫荽,鬱郁香芷 Parsley sage rosemary and thyme彼方淑女,憑君寄辭 Remember me to one ...


如果純粹是個單詞的話,意思為——迷迭香:一種地中海芳香常綠灌木(藥用迷迭香) ,長有淡藍色或粉紅色的花和可用來烹飪和調製香水的灰綠色葉子...

請問Scarborough Fiar中文名稱是什麼?

Parsley,sage,rosemary & thymeRemember me to one who lives thereShe once was a true love of mineTell her to make me a...


擴充套件資料《斯卡布羅集市》歌詞Are you going to Scarborough Fair你要去斯卡伯勒集市嗎Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme香芹、鼠尾草、迷迭香和百里香Remember me to...


曾有人給Scarborough Fair配過中文的詩經體歌詞,非常不錯,完全符合歌詞意思也完全能夠填入曲中,不過沒有人唱過問爾所之,是否如適...

歌曲Scarborough Fair ,歌詞是什麼?

Parsley, sage, rosemary & thyme蕪荽,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香Remember me to one who lives there代我向那裡的一個人問好She once was a true love o...


Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme那些芳香迷人的花兒啊Remember me to one who lives there記得代我問候那裡的朋友She once was a true love of mine...

羅拉代克斯卡 是什麼?

(sleeps unaware of the clarion call) (熟睡中不覺號角聲聲呼喚) tell him to find me an acre of land 叫他替我找一塊地 (on the side of a hill a...
