三千用英語表達three thousand為什麼thousand不要加s啊?

千位以上的數有:thousand 千、million 百萬、billion 十億、trillion 萬億(即兆),還有兩個定數,即score 二十和dozen 十二,這些字前面有明確的數字時,要用單數形式,如果沒有明確數字,表示數以百計,成...


個位ones place十位tens place百位hundreds place千位thousands place個位數ones,十位數tens,百位數hundreds,千位數thousands擴充套件資料:基數詞變化規律如下所示:1、1至...

清代 李世熊《贈劉季英》詩:“萬里歸來驚少息,立談傾倒盡瓊璇。”翻譯!!

翻譯成中文就是 讓人驚歎萬里歸來只稍微休息,片刻談話盡是美好的文采讓人折服所以英文應該是 astonishing for the short rest after coming from tens of thousands of miles...


Smoke fly thousands of miles to doSuch as the hook onTwilight starOld man is deadSolitary sleep at nightSi on silentRuth...

高中英語:So many ___ terrified people died every time there was an...

如果沒有具體數詞時,但可以加上象a few, many, some,several這些泛指的修飾詞,結構是:(many/some/several/a few)+ 數量單位複數(hundreds/thousands/millions/bill...


Thousands of years passed, sea into dust...


China is the homeland of tea,makeing tea,tea drinking has been for thousands of years of history中國是茶的故鄉,製茶,飲茶已有幾千年歷史...


順手採納答案battle的意思是 戰鬥,衝突例句:Thousands of people battled with police and several were reportedly wounded數千人與警方發生衝突,據報道有數人在衝突...


擴充套件資料:其他翻譯:thousands and tens of thousands of詞彙分析:ten英 [ten]美 [ten]num、十複數: tens例句:Over the past ten years things have ...


翠色慾滴的綠葉長滿了一片樹林,真是一碧千里啊Cuise dripping green leaves covered with a piece of wood, is really a big thousands of miles...

跪求英語作文 我叫李陽,來自滕州,性格開朗,愛好廣泛,急求一片英語作文關於介紹自己和滕州文化。

In addition, the mo zi, TengWenGong, dredging of the wide, by is thousands of people enjoy famous history...


一千thousands upon thousands 成千上萬例句:This train conveys over one thousand passengers every day...

翻譯: 心中思緒萬千,只好無言。

心中思緒萬千的地道說法有這些:A thousands thoughts going through my mindMy mind is in turmoil英語用 mind 表示 思想,頭腦,心胸,不用 heartturmoil 有“思緒萬...


千重, 十英擔(a) thousand and one無數的, 非常多(源自阿拉伯故事集《一千零一夜》)a thousand to one千對一, 幾乎絕對的, 幾乎可以肯定by the thousand (=by the thousand...


又作千兵萬馬出 處:《梁書·陳慶之傳》:“先是洛陽童謠曰:‘名師大將莫自牢,千兵萬馬避白袍...

這句話如何理解啊,it becomes clear that we have an excelle

if (we do) not (have chance of surviving for) hundreds (of thousands of years)...
